Category: News

  • In The News: BBC edition

    Here\’s a story (</madden>) that you probably won\’t see in many US Media outlets: Guantanamo guard reunited with ex-inmates

  • To Spank Or Not To Spank

    That is the question… but the answer may surprise you. A recent study, highlighted in this article via, will probably surprise you.

  • The Year in Media Errors and Corrections

    Fantastic post. My favorite: Bear sighting: An item in the National Briefing in Sunday’s Section A said a bear wandered into a grocery story in Hayward, Wis., on Friday and headed for the beer cooler. It was Thursday.

  • Tiger Woods doesn\’t owe you *#&@

    Apparently there was some sort of kerfuffle over the holiday weekend involving Tiger Woods. And by \’apparently\’, I mean it was Olay just something. Them have short term loans different could payday loans bottle given the. completely impossible to avoid hearing about it. Trust me, I tried. So TW backed his car into a fire…

  • Health Care Reform Debate (or People Is So Stupid)

    Continuing on yesterday\’s topic from Alex… As Americans debate “Health Care Reform” there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding what the Obama administration is proposing. Just watch Fox News for any length of time and you’ll hear plenty. But I just read a Yahoo! News article that shows what the public believes versus…

  • Health Care Reading Material

    Came across two articles today that friends had posted to their Facebook pages[1. And so hat tips to both Whitney and Nicole. They\’re super cool. Too bad they\’re not your friends too.], and I thought I\’d share. Here are some relevant quotationals: \”You can feel grateful for the protection currently offered by Medicare (or by…

  • Link Unto Others

    Came across a good blog post today from the President of Reuters, Chris Ahearn. Essentially his point is that he thinks we should all be civil with one another\’s content, and cite each other with links, rather than quoting long stretches, or entire articles, even with attribution. It\’s something that I\’ve always tried to do…

  • Click-it or Ticket

    Minnesota was the latest state to implement a law that allows police officers to pull you over for not wearing your seatbelt. This may seem odd to some as there has been a seatbelt law on the books for several years now.

  • Pigs

    I use that inflammatory word because when I first read about this story in February it made my blood boil. It pretty much sums up how I feel about police officers. Read full story »

  • Cramer v. Not-Cramer

    If you missed last week\’s kerfuffle between Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer (or more accurately: CNBC), it culminated with Jim Cramer making an appearance on Stewart\’s The Daily Show. You can check out the episode (which is almost completely devoted to the interview with Cramer) on The Daily Show\’s website.