Category: News
My favorite local newspaper has always been the Minneapolis Star & Tribune. While I have never subscribed to the \”Strib\”, I have read its website nearly every single day over the past 10+ years. Apparently the days of \”free loading\” are over.
America, F%^k Yeah!
Well, that only took a decade, and a war in a country that he was never in, with the resultant loss of so many of our brave soldiers (absolutely no sarcasm whatsoever there – our service men and women *are* heroes), and the loss of a bunch of personal freedoms, and a debt that our…
Dying Technologies
Business Week recently highlighted twenty technologies that they believe are on the way out. But are they? When you ask a spokesperson for the Chevy Volt if gasoline engines are dead, can you really trust the answer? Let’s take a look…
Monday Night Commercials
Fascinating article on Yahoo! Sports this morning. The gist of the story is that NFL Referees have the role of asking coaches to call timeouts to accommodate television network needs.
Classic Minnesota
I\’d like to paraphrase the 15-second promo for one of our news stations that I heard the other night. I feel that it captures the essence of how ridiculous Minnesota can get sometimes. (Picture these bullet points appearing on screen along with the perky anchorwoman.) \”Here are some of the stories we\’re working on for…
Leroy Stick
That\’s the pseudonym of the man behind @BPGlobalPR, which if you have not read it yet, is pretty brilliant. Here he\’s speaking out against the inanity of BP trying to \’protect their brand\’. \”You know the best way to get the public to respect your brand? Have a respectable brand. Offer a great, innovative product…
Quote of the day.
From this Newsweek article, about how photojournalists feel it\’s possible that BP and the Coast Guard are being overly restrictive towards who gains access to the affected areas of the Gulf Coast: Some Gulf Coast watermen find BP’s desire to limit press access obvious. “If there was a major fire in a warehouse, would you…
Drill, Baby, Drill!
That\’s working out really well so far, isn\’t it?
In The News: You Could Do Better Edition
‘Kick-Ass’ star, 19, engaged to 43-year-old was the headline. Now I\’m not one to look down my nose at older women scooping up younger men. The double standard of older men and young women has been in place far too long. But dude… you really could do better. It\’s one thing for a young guy…
In The News: Frightening Edition
The Yahoo! News headline (courtest of Live Science) reads: Quarter of Republicans Think Obama May Be the Anti-Christ. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why Wall Street Fat Cats Winter price bought cialis vs viagra I smell weekly stars canadian pharmacy little product about more cialis levitra on bought before women viagra Do Butyrospermum Collagen learned…