Category: Alex

  • Fun With Headlines

    Catching up on some sports-related web browsing, and I see the following link headline from yesterday\’s \”football\” game: Marshall catches 4 TDs; AFC wins Pro Bowl Upon reading this, my brain had the following discussion with itself: Wilber Marshall? . . . No, that makes no sense. Hm . . . Leonard Marshall! . .…

  • Thursday Night Movies: Layer Cake

    The short version: numerous good points don\’t overcome a bad ending. (But backing up, a quick intro. We\’re gonna try this thing. I posted this on The Facebook this morning, that I want to make Thursday night \”Movie Night\”. Hopefully I\’m either gonna see something in theater, or start working through my backlog of Netflixes.…

  • 50 Worst Minnesota Twins Of All-Time

    The team here at SP started this list last year, but in classic SP style we never quite finished. With how bad the Twins are doing this year, it seems like it was kismit that we\’d wait until now to publish. Without further ado…enjoy.

  • America, F%^k Yeah!

    Well, that only took a decade, and a war in a country that he was never in, with the resultant loss of so many of our brave soldiers (absolutely no sarcasm whatsoever there – our service men and women *are* heroes), and the loss of a bunch of personal freedoms, and a debt that our…

  • The \’lost\’ Radiohead album

    I was reminded of this via a post over at Kottke this morning. I remembered reading it and trying it out shortly after In Rainbows was released, but I couldn\’t remember how it sounded. (Short version – urban legend has it that In Rainbows and OK Computer were designed to be companions, and that a…

  • Movie Reviews

    I haven\’t done one of these in a long time, mostly because I stopped going to movies for a while there. I\’m now back on the horse, so let\’s roll through some mini-reviews for a few flicks I\’ve been out to see lately.

  • Classic Minnesota

    I\’d like to paraphrase the 15-second promo for one of our news stations that I heard the other night. I feel that it captures the essence of how ridiculous Minnesota can get sometimes. (Picture these bullet points appearing on screen along with the perky anchorwoman.) \”Here are some of the stories we\’re working on for…

  • The Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly

    Detailed here: Two players, four turns, and according to the accompanying YouTube video, doable in 21 seconds. Honestly, if this had any chance of happening on a consistent basis, I might be more inclined to play it. Instead, as we all know, Monopoly ruins families.

  • Sunglasses Found!

    My long personal nightmare is over! The best pair of sunglasses I ever owned have been found! Shown here in one of their last known photographs, the sunglasses were long assumed to have found a watery grave at the bottom of Lake Minnetonka, or had perhaps been unwittingly discarded at the side of some unknown…

  • Leroy Stick

    That\’s the pseudonym of the man behind @BPGlobalPR, which if you have not read it yet, is pretty brilliant. Here he\’s speaking out against the inanity of BP trying to \’protect their brand\’. \”You know the best way to get the public to respect your brand? Have a respectable brand. Offer a great, innovative product…