Happy Freakin' Birthday to X-E!

- Alex

I think any of the three of us would be lying if we said that X-Entertainment.com wasn't an inspiration to us in the founding of this here site right here. Matt (and occasionally some of the other yokels who wrote with him) has been cranking out some great content for three years now, and when I saw this article marking the official day, I figured I should send some love his way. I'd have to say that I agree with Matt in that it's great to have a forum where you can write about whatever you want, however you want to do it, and I think that most writers will tell you that the more you write, the better you'll get. So it's not surprising to say he's improved, just as it won't be for any of us if we keep at it. I know that in the year I've spent here that I've gotten more adept in the word smithing department, and I look forward to being able to continue...

But enough about that. Matt was kind enough to link to a bunch of his favorite articles, so what I thought I'd do today would be to link to some of the ones I like best, plus a few others that I liked that didn't make the list. So let's hop to it. I'm gonna keep my own ramblings short, in the hope that you'll be reading Matt's stuff... and it's a lot of reading. But just trust me, it's great stuff.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!

How can you argue with a review of the best Christmas movie ever? And I'm serious about that. The X-E review is a countdown of the 10 best moments from the movie, including the kickass moose glasses that I never would have noticed otherwise. And then there's the squirrel. Squirrel!

The Worst Witch

I don't even know where to begin with this one... a movie with Charlotte Rae in a dual role, and waaay too much Tim Curry. The blow by blow review of Curry's music video part just absolutely slays me (it's in "Part 3" for those of you with short attention spans).

The Jesus Store

Maybe if I lived on the East Coast I'd have more opportunities to do stories like this one. Around here, though, what am I gonna do? Perhaps I just haven't been paying enough attention to my surroundings, and certainly the SPAM Museum might yield something if I can bring myself to go in there the next time I'm visiting the parents. But I digress... one word, baby: Testamints!

The Corey Haim Video Diary

I'm pretty sure that this was the article Will sent to me way back when that got me hooked on X-E. This is gruesome, and I'm glad Matt watched this video instead of me. I'm surprised he was left coherent enough to write anything.

Ok, only two more, I promise...

Ichabod's Grave

I will freely admit that I'm insane... and as proof I offer up the fact that this is still my favorite X-E article. The images aren't showing up right for me, but maybe they will for you, and in any case I've given you the best one - the crab in the sailor hat holding a spoon on a box of cereal just cracks me up. There's nothing drop dead hilarious about this article, but then again the animated Rick Moranis at the end is pretty close. I hope Jake reads this...

Board Game Madness

Finally... the sister sib's favorite article. I can't remember which bit she liked the best, but if I had to hazard a guess I'd bet it was the Pictionary one... we definitely played that enough. I'm still scarred from drawing the card that said "Yugoslavia"...

In any event... there's plenty of other fun stuff over there, so whenever you've had your fill of us here at SP, do what we do - go read X-E. I'm out. Peace.



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