Category: Uncategorized

  • Hello world!

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  • Third Base

    no, not that. or that. this. much (virtual) ink has been spilled so far this offseason about who should occupy the hot corner for the twins next season. free agent? trade? put existing players there? lots of options, none of them no-brainers. the twins haven\’t had a steady presence at third since 2004, corey koskie\’s…

  • PCP: Cocaine For Sale

    Alex here. I came across this link recently, and thought it might be a good topic for discussion. Frankly, I\’m not sure how I feel about it. Wade and I are gonna bat around a few items, and then we\’ll leave the comment floor open to y\’all. So feel free to weigh in at any…

  • PCP: DDD

    (It\’s the All Acronym Edition (AAE) today!) Kids. What\’s wrong with kids these days? There\’s a perception– real or not– that the youth in America are badly behaved, to a degree that has never been witnessed before. It\’s hard to argue; the newspaper regularly features stories of teen irresponsibility and violence. Is it the same…

  • PCP: Banning Trans Fats

    Just to be perfectly clear upfront about this: No one has said anything about banning Minnesota Fats, although I did hear a distressing rumor about Trouble with a capital T, and that rhymes with P, and that– ahem. Nevermind. This week on the PCP, Wade and Alex debate New York City\’s proposed ban on trans…