
Really Minneapolis? This is the best that you could do? Hotness 2010

If you have the time, check out the video, if you don\’t just click next at the bottom to check out the pics and bios. While the men are ok (apparently hotness equal skinny for men these days), the women are very poorly represented. I realize that hotness can go beyond physical appearance, but these people were voted as finalists based on their looks, and I\’m not sure the judging staff spent a whole lot of time meeting with these people beforehand.

What\’s worse is that the Twin Cities could do better. I\’m guessing these are the people who distilled out of \”who reads, or has a friend who does, and was confident enough (or vain) to enter themselves into a hotness contest\”.

In that case, I think has some ugly readership.







2 responses to “Hotness…?”

  1. Mark Avatar

    This is the best they can do on my birthday? What’s going on in MN? We can do better in Toronto even taking into account personality and world view. Do I really want to move back to this? 🙁

  2. Explosive Bombchlle Avatar

    They didn’t even bother calling us, is it because we’re off the market?

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