Guitar Hero IV – Desparate Times…

Courtesy of my good friend Amy:

Turns out it didn\’t take long for Activision to respond to the immense success of Rock Band (as well as the lackluster reception of GHIII – and the horror of GH:Aerosmith).

If you do a little internet searching you\’ll see that the immediate reception of GHIV isn\’t going over so well either. Might be due to the fact that Activision has made sure that Rock Band is completely incompatible with GH… while Harmonix (at least for the Xbox) allows GH guitars to be used with Rock Band.

Sadly, for the .0043% of SP readers who care about this… this is already old news for you. 😀

With that being said, I don\’t think this will be worth the $200 investment, considering I already have a drum set, microphone, and 2 guitars cluttering up the house.







4 responses to “Guitar Hero IV – Desparate Times…”

  1. Amy Avatar

    What I’d like to know is if I’ll be able to just shell out for the drum kit and mic on their own since I’ve already got 2 guitars. I’m keeping my fingers crossed they won’t screw over the people who’ve already invested in their previous games, but won’t be holding my breath. 🙂

  2. anderswa Avatar

    i’m looking forward to (’cause it’s inevitable, right?) the integration with itunes or something itunes-esque– download of songs to play via the ‘net on demand, for 99 cents each or whatever. can you imagine how much money would be spent on crap like duran duran or bon jovi or neil diamond or kenny loggins after a bunch of us have been imbibing all day?

  3. Sara Avatar

    Correction! Your drum set, microphone, and 2 guitars are cluttering up MY house.

  4. wadE Avatar

    apparently there is something in the works that will allow you to either create your own song to play to, or to add songs on your own… what a read was a bit cryptic, but I think it’s very close to what you are describing…

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