i may rag on it from time to time, but i truly do love austin. i won\’t wax springsteen or mellencamp on you, but i believe it was a great place to grow up.
that said, it\’s a different town now. part of it is because it\’s changed; part of it is because i\’ve changed. it\’s not the same place i grew up. or maybe it is and i\’m just more aware. irregardless, enjoy this exchange from the register of a local grocery store.
pleasant-looking woman: [sneeze]
our hero: bless you.
PLW: you\’ll have to excuse me. the person in line before you had on some very strong perfume. i think i\’m allergic.
OH: oh. yeah, some people put on a little too much.
PLW: it\’s mostly a problem with those really dark-skinned blacks. i don\’t think they had perfume where they came from, so they use way too much.
OH: …um…
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