All Growed Up

I feel as though I\’ve cut my last tie to immaturity.

That\’s right, this week marks the close of another chapter of my life. I finally paid off the last of my student loans. Obviously, this is of overall benefit to me. It\’s quite a bit like getting a significant pay raise, for one, since that money is now mine on a monthly basis instead of being earmarked for payment to a lending company. I suppose it will also help my credit score, not that I really had much of a problem in that arena.

It also means other things. I was on a ten year repayment plan, which means… wow, it\’s been ten years already. That\’s kind of a punch in the gut. It almost makes me feel old.

Still, I plan to celebrate tonight. Who wants to join me? 🙂







6 responses to “All Growed Up”

  1. Becca Avatar

    Awww….my little boy is all growed up…. (a tear glistens in the corner of my eye). I guess I knew it would happen some day.


    Papa Bear (& Mother Hen)
    (not to mention the bombsquad)

  2. anderswa Avatar

    let’s stop off at the wagon on our way to the dome, i’ll buy you a debt-free gimlet.

  3. wadE Avatar

    b/c a gimlet at Kieran’s just wouldn’t be right….

  4. sparklegirl Avatar

    Congrats, Al! That’s huge. 🙂

  5. blondebombchelle Avatar

    Does this mean it’s time for grad school?

  6. alex Avatar

    Well I’d prefer to go to grad school *after* I figure out what I’d like to do… but hell, we’ll see.

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