decent football this weekend. i mean, from the bits and pieces i caught, the games seemed good. close. the new orleans cinderella story keeps rolling. grossman makes it count when he needs to. indy\’s defense continues to play out of its mind. and (shocking)– schottenheimer\’s chargers lose to a team they were supposed to beat.
let\’s talk about that last game a little bit. ladanian tomlinson had a fantastic game– 123 yards on the ground, 64 in the air, and two touchdowns. but it\’s what he said afterwards that is more interesting. LDT apparently took exception to the celebrations that the patriots were doing after the game ended…
\”I would never react in that way. I was very upset,\” Tomlinson said. \”When you go to the middle of our field and start doing the dance Shawne Merriman is known for, that is disrespectful. They showed no class and maybe that comes from the head coach.\” Merriman, nicknamed \”Lights Out,\” did a spasmodic dance to celebrate each of his NFL-high 17 sacks.
please stop and read that again.
shawne merriman is 6 feet, four inches tall. he weighs 272 pounds. he\’s huge, even probably outside of the steriods. really. tomlinson is pissed because some of the patriots players… were doing merriman\’s dance. the dance he is known for. and it\’s not just a regular dance. it\’s a spasmodic dance. ooooh.
so the league\’s MVP is pissed because some muscle-bound, drug-addled football players on the other team are stealing THE DANCE of one of the muscle-bound, drug addled football players on his team.
quit whining. quit dancing. play football and shut the hell up.
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