
Have a gander at this picture.

That\’s my Apple MacBook Pro, running the Windows version of IE6 on its own, without needing to run an entire virtual copy of Windows to do it. The company behind this impressive feat is called CodeWeavers, and if their final product (they\’re still in beta) is at all stable, it\’ll open up the possibilities for having a Mac in your workplace even that much more. Run the Windows programs you need to be compatible without having to pay for that extra XP license.

As for me, this is nearly useless. On the bright side, though, the next time wadE tells me that the latest bit of html code I wrote looks like crap on his copy of IE, I can at least verify it and try to fix.







3 responses to “Geekery”

  1. Brian Scott Avatar

    Have we already talked about this – I bought my first mac last Spring. I love it dearly. It’s a whole new world of computing – one that actually works and is fun. So this fall at my new call I was able to get a mac laptop for work. It’s an incredible little computer. I love it. I have become – oh what’s the word – evangelical – about the mac.

    And I really have no use for Microsoft Windows. I thought I might miss a program or two, but I haven’t at all.

  2. wadE Avatar

    My next computer will be a Mac laptop of some flavor. No doubt.

  3. monkey Avatar

    This is one of my big irritants at work: lack of macs.

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