Although wadE hates blogs, so if I were nicer I wouldn\’t call our site a blog. But I\’m not, so he can live with it.
Anyways… just a little shameless self-promotion from yours truly. You\’re welcome. I have started up a little mini-offshoot from the SP tree. It is located here. Unlike this here main version of SP (which we really are intending to make less blog-ish, going forward), my own section will be unabashedly bloggy, and it will contain items that I will deem either too trivial, stupid, or personal to have published here instead. It will also be where I revive such fun ideas as The Card Project, and I\’ll also keep a blogroll of \’cool kids\’ – links to other sites where you can further waste time here in the vast tubes of the internets.
So come play along if you wish. End PSA.
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