St. Valentine's Day

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Who came up with this infernal holiday anyway?


As with many of our holidays, except maybe for Flag Day, its origins are both Christian and Pagan.

It's also a day that causes a lot of stess on a young kids life. How many of us remember giving out cards in grade school? I remember that each of us made little pockets out of paper that we attached to our desk. Then we all walked around the classroom delivering cards to the other classmates, sometimes with specially chosen candy hearts dropped in the little envelopes.

"LUV YOU" or "MY PAL" depending on who the person was.

What if we brought that tradition to work? Each of us creating fancy little pockets that we'd attach to the outside of our cubes, and throughout the day people would stop by and put little cards in your pocket.

"I'm not sure what to make of this, but Bob from accounting just dropped off a card with a candy heart in it that said 'URA QT'"

Of course, these days candy hearts say stupid things like "FAX ME" or "TRES CHIC". Some of the originals never go out of style though, like "KISS ME" or "BE MINE". Believe it or not, an actual candy heart saying from back in the day was, "YOU ARE GAY".

Some sayings from NY

When you get older, this day isn't about cards and candy. For some it's a time when they expect an expensive gift, or a day spent crying in bed because they are "so old" and they haven't found someone yet, or a day trying to figure out what it is they can do to show that special someone that they love them more than anything else in the world.

For others it's a day to write an offensive rant that gets published in a major newspaper.

How nice... yes, ladies, we're all patently self-asorbed homophobes!

...and did I mention cheap?

Regardless of your station in life, take a moment today to tell that special someone in your life how much they mean to you...and if that doesn't make 'em happy, buy something sparkely.


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