In Principle

- Alex

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You know those sports announcements where two teams have agreed, in principle, to make a trade?

The Chicago White Sox and the Kansas City Royals have agreed, in principle, to trade Superstar Player X for a ham sandwich, an office copier, cash considerations, and a red stapler to be named later.

You know, those.

(As an aside... wouldn't it be great if Barry Bonds converted to Islam (sub-parenthetical: is that supposed to be capitalized?) and they told him he had to change his name to "Superstar X"? I think that'd be great! Everyone could call him "Supe", and Campbell's would ask him to endorse their Hungry Bastard product line. Everyone wins!

Anyway... following up on an article I wrote last week, Jason has agreed, in principle, to go see Open Water in the theater, but only if we all go, and only if we drink first. Now, the latter is no problem (not to be confused with the ladder, which is certainly a problem), but it's that whole part where we've committed Wade A to going to a movie in the theater that may be the monkey in the wrench. I think the last movie Wade saw in the theater was E.T. ... the first time it came out.

In any event, we'll keep you posted here at SP on developments, as they develop.

Other notes from the past weekend:

For the 99.9% of the planet that missed out on our Saturday night, sadly it wasn't videotaped. We got Wade drunk enough to both tell us about the rooster story mentioned in here, and to do his Tina Turner impression. Hilarity. I haven't laughed so hard since... well... probably since Wade re-told the story about the Marine recruiter that called him at 9AM on a Sunday. I'd match up Wade with anyone in a five-minute anecdote-off. The man knows his funny.

The other notable Saturday night bit involved wadE trapping us into watching this horrible show detailing the process of plastic surgery. I should comission a study on peoples' reactions to this sort of thing. In our room it was Wade, completely covering his eyes and awaiting a signal that we'd moved on; I averted my gaze and watched the rest of the room; Jason alternated between watching, yelling, and burying his head in the sofa; and wadE sat there with the remote, a mixture of fascination, disgust, and the enjoyment of making us all squirm. Maybe you had to be there, but it was entertaining. I should note that on the show in question, they took an awful looking woman, and made her mildly unattractive. Good work, folks.

Alright, I think I've written articles shorter than this. I'm out!

What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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