Reagan, R.I.P.

- Wade

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Despite being a card-carrying Clintonite, I must admit a tinge of sadness when hearing of Ronald Reagan's passing on Saturday. Although, I would wager that his death must have been a relief for his family. My grandfather also suffered from Alzheimers; like Ronnie, you could tell it was coming. The last year of his life was horribly sad, and I've got a great deal of compassion for anyone who is forced to watch a family member suffer from this disease.

Reagan was the first President that I can remember. If he were President now, I probably would disagree with him on much of his policy. But as a kid you aren't concerned with details like that-- you're more concerned with "The Dukes of Hazzard" being pre-empted by White House speeches. Which Reagan did a fair amount of times, as I remember. But I watched anyway. I was mesmerized by his voice, his persona. He seemed like he could stand up to and protect us from the dreaded Russians, the only enemy I knew about at the time. I even wrote him a letter when I was ten, suggesting structural improvements for space shuttles after the Challenger exploded. He wrote back, even signed it.

It's not fair to compare Reagan to the other Presidents I've known; with more awareness comes more judgment, and I give Bush a much harder time than I ever could have to someone when I was in grade school. Say what you will about Reagan's intelligence and economic policies; one thing he was not was an embarrassment. Which isn't something I can say about the sitting commander-in-chief, or even the previous two.

Rest in peace, Ronnie. Hope you've got an endless supply of jelly beans where you're at now.

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