Sue Bird Central

- Alex

See Also:
Gambit Archives

(Do I really need to put my name after that article title? Isn't it just a given?)

So I'm slightly sleep-deprived, and motivationally challenged this morning. Naturally that means it's my turn to write the Gambit, as opposed to yesterday, when I thought of three seperate things to write about, none of which I can remember right now. Personally, I'm gonna blame that trip to the gym this morning, although by the same token it's kinda nice to basically pass out on a treadmill and wake up to find out that you've run two miles of the sadisticly painful pre-programmed "alpine climb" hill run... but I digress.

Given all that, and since I hadn't done it in a while, I headed off to the trusty stats page to file a cream puff gambit. Sadly, I find that it may no longer be possible to get by with that tactic. You see, in the olden days of two years ago or so, our site was small enough that the searches that found our site were obscure, bizarre, and low count. Ya know, things like "emilio estevez shirtless". And "chief lamoni". Things like that.

I'm certainly not going to complain about increased readership, but it's just not the same any more. However, there's one fact that's fairly shocking: In the month of April 2004 (so far), our top search hit got 276 requests. That's about 40% of the total requests for the site. What's that search term, you ask?

"Sue Bird".

Clearly what this means is that I win. I have the obsession that brings the most complete strangers to the site. Sure, the Wades have their SNL articles that bring people in who are looking for Bad Idea Jeans, and Gerald Tibbins, etc., but I've got Sue, and (and this is a life lesson for all parties involved) Sue always wins. Sue wins, I win, ... so maybe this isn't such a bad Friday after all. Oh, and if perhaps the readership continues to grow at this rate, I could certainly be convinced to conduct an interview with Ms. Bird to further boost her and our ratings. She'd just have to email me...

That was shameless, wasn't it? Oh well. Have a great weekend!

What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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