I Demand Satisfaction

- Alex

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I've had it.

I've reached the point where I'm just like every other American - I want it my way, and I want it now, dammit.

And what I want is: Better printer technology.

(What? I can't write a geeky gambit every now and again? Go screw.)

Seriously, current laser jet technology is easily 10 years old. That's mesozoic in computer years. And it's the best we've got? Seriously, now. Laser printers make a cacaphony of noises while running, use dirty toner that sticks to everything in a godawful fashion if it escapes its container, and relies on little plastic parts that are easily breakable when they're not needing cleaning from being covered with aforementioned dirty toner.

We put a man on the moon, we grew grass indoors, and I can't get a color printer that's quiet, quick, clean, and prints photo quality? Did we lose a war?

Yeah so I got nothin' today. But I still think we can do better than a piece of equipment that I routinely fix by striking it. Just a thought.

What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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