'Tis The Season

- Alex

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Gambit Archives

I was hoping for something a bit more substantial (and frankly, bizarre) for today's Gambit. Unfortunately, I was unable to wrangle up the files I needed to make it happen. So instead, I'll be passing on a little Holiday cheer, as sent to me by the kid sis yesterday.

Best darn no-eyed, one-eared, cane-using christmas stocking guard mouse ever to grace the faux fireplace with the wacky electric light-up logs that I never actually saw glow. `Tis the season.

So there ya have it. This little guy used to guard our stockings, which we hung on the "fireplace", which had some "logs" that were semi-translucent and which lit up by a set of slowly rolling lights when we plugged it in, which come to think of it we stopped doing around 1982. But so now he's escaped to a tree farm in Moldavia, apparently. It's practically a Hallmark moment.

That's it. Happy Holiday Season to one and all.

What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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