All Tied Up

- Alex

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I ventured out into the world last night, in search of some nice new threads, and maybe some vaccuum cleaner bags. In the process, I learned something about myself that I think I'd just previously ignored.

I really dig shopping for ties.

This is odd because I really don't care much at all for wearing them. I don't have a corporate job that requires them on a daily basis, and I don't orbit in the social strata where I would choose to wear one. So other than the occasional wedding, I live a tieless existence. That didn't stop me from spending a good 10 minutes looking at pretty much every tie in the store last night, deciding which one I wanted to buy.

It just struck me as very odd. Then again, at coffee break today I came up with an idea for 'security porpoises' (and made a few seal sounds for emphasis), so maybe I'm just in one of those moods lately. I'm out. Peace.

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