Good Golly

- Wade

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Wow. Ever look at the clock and see that it's 2 in the afternoon and then remember it was your turn to update the Gambit?

Yeah, me neither.


My bad. I take the blame. My excuse (and don't I always have an excuse) is that I've picked up several new business lines to support at work over the past two weeks. A person on my team turned in his resignation at 11:55 p.m. last Tuesday night, and I'm trying to figure out exactly what it is he did....

So I'm busy. Not complaining (yet, anyway.) I've always been happier with too much to do than too little. Ask me in a couple of months. If I stay this busy, at least I'll have an excuse as to why my fantasy baseball team sucks. Grumble...

My company had layoffs yesterday. Read it here. Don't believe the part about the cuts being "mostly administrative." Thanks to the person quitting last week, my team didn't get hit. All of the other development teams I work with, though, lost at least one member.

I've had pipe dreams about getting laid off. This whimsical notion that I'd get my notice, pack my box, get my severance package and whistle Dixie out the door. I'd be able to use the time to find out what I really wanted to do, to find... my calling.. in life.

In reality, I'm sure there would be much more wailing and gnashing of teeth. First, it *really* isn't the greatest time to be looking for a job right now. Second, the severance package would probably pay the bills for a month, maybe two. About enough time to whip up my resume and do an interview or two-- not a good enough timeframe for career soul-searching. Finally, I gotz billz to pay. Any new career I'd try now likely wouldn't compensate as nicely as this little IT gig I've got going on. Yes, that means I'm working for the money. Yes, that sucks. Yes, that's the way it is and the sooner I get used to it and quit moaning, the better off I'll be.

So I'm lucky I'm still here. I easily couldn't be-- I've got the lowest seniority on my team. So if the axe may have gotten me. And that would not have been a good thing.

What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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