Category: Site News

  • Anatomy of a Gambit

    Thought you all might appreciate a look inside the inner workings of how we do things here at Gambit Central. (I don\’t necessarily think that, but it\’ll be obvious why I\’m doing this, shortly.) Most of the work is done by email carrier pigeon. So for example, Alex sends out the topic, or in this…

  • Feeling Brevity\’s Pull

    My first post for this little website measured in at a cool 807 words. I was always more of a bullet-point guy than a screeder, but, even so, my posts from that era routinely topped 1,000 words. In 2003, at roughly the same time, we introduced both the Gambit and the Forum. The former was…

  • SP T-Shirts (and other designs) now on sale!

    It seems like every other web site you see these days has some kind of t-shirt shop attached to it. You\’ve probably noticed that. We noticed it, and decided we wanted a piece of the action. Well, mostly we just wanted some SP T-Shirts, but we figured why not try our hand at a few…

  • Site Re-Design

    Greetings. I\’m sure it\’s obvious by now that we\’re abandoning the site re-design from earlier this year[1. Read: Alex tried to fix what wasn\’t broken, and it just didn\’t go as planned. These things happen.], and are going to stick with this old favorite version. There will be some tweaks added, certainly, but for now…

  • Pardon Our Dust. . .

    Howdy folks. We\’ve got the space monkeys (aka Alex) working on the latest and greatest site re-design here at SP. Things will be in flux for the near future, so just bear with us if you don\’t mind. Things to look forward to under the new regime: longer articles, the triumphant return of The Gambit,…

  • Friday Field Trip! (With Pictures!)

    It\’s Friday, it\’s almost summer vacation time, and I\’m unemployed. So what better to do, than go on a field trip! And do I ever have a special field trip destination for you, dear readers. That\’s right, I went to: Wades Supermarket! No, really. I did. Southwest Virginia\’s finest locally owned and operated chain of…

  • Simpleprop is 6 … and single

    For long-time visitors of the site, you may recall that each December I used to do a \”Happy Birthday\” article. Last year was a very busy time of year and I swore that the next year I would get back on that proverbial horse. Well, it didn\’t happen this year either, so a belated…

  • merry christmas, dammit

    the gang at simpleprop hope you all have an excellent christmas / hannukah / kwanzaa / diwali / festival of lights / whathaveyou. and, i think the world is has been screaming for this for some time now.

  • You May Be Experiencing Technical Difficulties

    As a friendly \”heads up\” to all of you SP fans (all 5 of you) I as the \”Editor-in-Chief\” and \”money man\” of I made the executive decision last year that when the registration of our website expired on November 15th I would transfer the hosting from to our good friends who host…

  • Best Month Ever

    (And we haven\’t even finished the month yet.) No, this is not a post about VH1. That\’s Wade\’s gig. Or perhaps wadE\’s. What I\’m talking about is the increased site traffic we\’ve seen here of late. I don\’t think I mentioned it, but in fact last month was the largest traffic month we\’ve ever had.…